Cheek Filler

Juvederm Voluma

Timing, Feeling and Results

You may experience slight numbness for the next 2-3 hours. You may have slight swelling for up to two weeks; severe swelling is fairly uncommon. We are happy to provide an “anti-swelling medication” if needed.

What can I take for discomfort?

We suggest Tylenol, but we can also recommend herbal supplements that may help heal you faster. Ice will help reduce inflammation and help with discomfort. 

Can I fly?

Yes, but remember flying increases swelling. 

Will I Bruise?

Some people are predisposed to bruise. We suggest that you avoid vitamins, alcohol, and ibuprofen products to minimize the chance of bruising. Bruises can last 2-3 days or up to 2 weeks depending on type and location. Arnica pills can be purchased during your visit that can help heal bruises. Occasionally, we may suggest a follow up laser appointment to help speed up more severe bruises.

When can I work out?


Just got filled, What Now?

Your results are immediate, so our guess is you’ll be checking your cheeks out quite a bit! The filler will settle and look more natural over the next two weeks.